Media & Appearances

As social impact amplifiers, Kristine and the team at ImpactFull tell their stories, and create platforms and opportunities for others to do the same. See how we’re leading, joining, and sparking critical conversations.



Rejecting Recovery

Kristine hosts a dynamic conversation at #Upswell about closing the racial wealth gap with leading thinkers (and doers!) in the field.

Go Red

Kristine’s survivor story infuses her message to all those juggling self-care with a desire to help their loved ones – and the world!

Dam Break

Sector luminaries join Kristine at #skollworldforum to talk about how to get capital to flow where it’s needed to create an economy that works for all.


  • Look For The Helpers

    In this most trying year, there’s been much talk of helpers and heroes. More than a vaccine or a stimulus bill, our recovery is in their hands.

    A few weeks back, my mother-in-law lent me a book about Mr. Rogers…

  • Cereal for Dinner: Strategies, Shortcuts, and Sanity for Moms Battling Illness

    At the age of thirty-five, author Kristine Breese was always on the go--running after her two young children, training for marathons, and working as a full-time journalist.

  • A Day Like No Other

    Frankly, I was a little hesitant to get out of bed this morning. Not that I slept in, or hardly slept at all, but when it came time to slide my foot out from under the covers, for my toes to touch the cool air of the day, and plant my heel on the floor, I knew there’d be no turning back. This day, this November 3rd, 2020 …

  • Going Green - Helping CDFIs Compete for Every Philanthropic Dollar

    With less than 30 days remaining to submit comments related to an update of the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) know they face a challenging future.

  • Saving CRA is Only the First Step in Saving CDFIS – But it's a Vital One

    In some circles, the current debate around "modernization" of the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) is hot, troubling, and almost completely distracting. That’s as it should be.

    For others, it’s a remote debate with arcane references and an alphabet soup of unknown terms and acronyms (CDFI, OCC, redlining, to name a few).

  • Forget Tea Leaves - What I Learned from a Bowl of Cereal

    It's been 20 years. But in less time than it takes for your flakes to get soggy, I can recall what it felt like to choose between getting in a waiting ambulance and feeding my kids. I didn't really have a choice. After all, the waiting ambulance was waiting for me. But what I said to my sister-in-law (who'd called 911) and the paramedics was, "I can't go the hospital, the kids haven't had dinner yet."