Form joyful covenants with your board


“My board is bored and, frankly, I am not thrilled with them either.”  

How many times have we heard this or something darn close? Too many to count.

Often, it's followed by a list of specific frustrations, everything from lackluster meeting attendance, unanswered emails, lack of enthusiasm, and failure to fundraise.

And board members don’t see it much differently. They feel disconnected, unprepared, out of touch. They only occasionally tune in as meetings approach and they start to feel bad that they “haven't been doing anything.”

In a sector dependent on compelling messages and even more compelling messengers, this is unacceptable.

With its proven and playful Board Development & Delight program, ImpactFull is changing all that.

Imagine board members clamoring for their next retreat. Picture CEOs delighted to see a trustee's name pop up on their phone.

Consider the unstoppable power of your board and organizational leadership synced and committed to not just the mission but each other.

Come along and find out how.

Reject the temptation to settle for a board experience that is anything less than delightful and inspiring.

Often, the journey to a more delighted and dedicated board begins in an unlikely place — your organizational by-laws. 

Those dusty documents filed years ago outline everything from the number of trustees you can have, to their terms, expected service on committees, officer positions, cadence of elections, and more. Within this often-ignored set of dictates and commitments lies a potential blueprint for your reimagined board. 

After a set of discovery meetings, ImpactFull reviews the by-laws and complies a list of actions and aspirations to kick off the board's transformation with the by-laws often providing the "cover" needed to create movement in who and how many are serving, what roles they are filling, and what's expected of each and every one.

And while by-laws are easily adjusted and amended, that is often not needed. 

Wishing you could move some “dead wood” off your board? Wishing you could recruit a new Treasurer or host an Annual Meeting?

The rhyme and reason to do all that might be right there in black and white.

— introducing —



  • Discovery Sessions with Volunteer & Executive Leadership

  • Review of By-laws and design of aligned Blueprint for Change

  • Board Member Engagement Bingo

  • Review of Board Recruiting Process and On-Boarding Materials

  • Attributes & Contributions Grid

  • Nominating and Vetting Strategy

  • Ongoing Meeting, Retreat, and Engagement Facilitation

We’ll help you review and activate the magic between the Roman Numerals, sections and clauses. Then we will pause and let those changes settle in, waiting to see if, when, and what more might be needed, our approach includes:


  • Yes, ImpactFull works with fiscally sponsored organizations to launch an Advisory Board if/while they seek their 501(c)3. We also help newly minted 501(c)3 recruit, vet, nominate, and install their first governing boards.

  • Yes, the move from being led by volunteers to professional staff is exciting and calls for a different kind of board. We can help you educate and transition legacy board members from day-to-day management to higher-level advising, giving some as well the chance to move into emeriti status.

  • We work with Advisory Boards, Governing Boards, Campaign Committees, as well as ad hoc teams from foundations, nonprofits, and leadership of giving circles, family and community foundations.

  • “Fidelity to our by-laws sparked the joy of service we hoped to unlock.”

  • “Board Engagement Bingo has gamified the list of things we used to dread."


At age 25, Kristine was recruited to join the “junior board” of the storied Weingart Center in downtown Los Angeles. Her delight in being courted, nominated, and warm;ly welcomed to lend a hand with the organization's vital mission has never left. Having since served on numerous boards and coached dozens of organizations through perfecting this most critical relationship, her firm not only designs board growth and transformation strategies, it has created new vocabulary and expectations about what it means to take that seat. Don't settle for service, design for delight.