Radhy Miranda: Brand Name Philanthropy

PlayFull Podcast - Kristine Michie - Radhy Miranda


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Brand Name Philanthropy

When today’s guest, Radhy Miranda, went to work at The Rockefeller Foundation, one of philanthropy’s biggest brands, he rightfully knew it would be very satisfying. 

But not for the reason you might think.

As he reveals in this week’s episode, it’s not because he “gets to say ‘yes’ all the time.” 

Instead, it’s because he gets to find great partners and lift them up. 

Radhy, who manages Rockefeller’s Equity & Economic Opportunity portfolio, is smack-dab in the middle of the global movement to close the racial wealth gap and fuel economic mobility.

And when his employer boldly announced that it’s putting climate at the center of how it deploys its $6 billion endowment, he got to start looking at his work in a whole new light.

Listen in as Radhy shares about linking climate and economic justice, about his ah-ha moment as a high schooler realizing that philanthropy could be a career, and the joys of podcasting, Ben & Jerry’s dairy-free ice cream, and breakdancing at work.

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